Between the production of dioctyl phthalate
用间苯二甲酸和辛醇反应制得的间苯二甲酸二异辛酯是一种无色油状液体型增塑剂,By the reaction between the isophthalic acid and octanol was prepared diisooctyl phthalate as a colorless oily liquid plasticizer,与聚氯乙烯、硝基纤维素、聚苯乙烯等树脂相容性好,Polyvinyl chloride, nitrocellulose, and polystyrene resin compatibility,其光、热稳定性及低温性能良好,电气性能优良,可用于制造各种塑料制品Its light, good thermal stability and low temperature performance, excellent electrical properties, can be used to manufacture a variety of plastic products。
Production m-phenylenediamine
用间苯二甲酸先制得5-硝基间苯二甲酸,Isophthalic first obtained with 5-nitro acid,进而生产的间苯二胺是一种性能较好的光稳定剂,Furthermore the production of m-phenylenediamine is a better performance of light stabilizers,具有防紫外线的功能With anti-ultraviolet function。
Production of high resistance polyamide permeability of packaging materials
由间苯二甲酸和六甲撑二胺缩聚而成的无定型聚酰胺,By condensation of isophthalic acid and hexamethylene diamine from the amorphous polyamide,具有优良的气体阻渗性,耐穿刺性、透明性、耐热以及环境适性;Having excellent gas-barrier permeability, puncture resistance, transparency, heat resistance and environmental adaptability;与聚酰胺6共挤多层延伸薄膜或共混无延伸薄膜Polyamide 6 coextruded multilayer film or extended without extending the film blends,可用于肉食、果品、蒸煮袋以及奶酪等包装。Can be used for meat, fruit, cheese and other cooking bags and packaging.其优点是在高温条件下,The advantage is that at elevated temperatures,其阻气性大大超过聚酰胺6,且其水分透过性很低,Gas barrier properties much higher than polyamide 6, and a low moisture permeability,适应于包装油炸脆性的小吃食品,其热变形温度达127℃,Adapted to the fragility of fried snack food packaging, heat distortion temperature of 127 ℃,还适应于用作热灌装及蒸煮灭菌作业中的包装材料。Also suitable for hot filling and retort sterilization used for job packaging materials.
Production gel coat resin
胶衣树脂是由不同类型不饱和聚酯树脂添加触变剂、颜料、填料和助剂配制而成的特种树脂,Gel coat resin is composed of different types of unsaturated polyester resin to add thixotropic agents, pigments, fillers and special additives prepared from resins主要用于玻璃钢制品的表面保护层。Mainly used for surface protection layer of fiberglass products.目前我国的胶衣树脂类型主要有间苯二甲酸型、双酚A型、乙烯基酯等,At present, China's main types of gel coat resin isophthalic type, bisphenol A, vinyl ester, etc.其中间苯二甲酸型胶衣树脂为常见。Which isophthalic gel coat resin is the most common type.间苯二甲酸型胶衣树脂是以间苯二甲酸型聚酯树脂为主的胶衣树脂,Isophthalic type gel coat resin is isophthalic polyester resin-based gel coat resin,该树脂综合性能优良,因间苯二甲酸在酯化过程中不会升华,The resin is excellent overall performance, because isophthalic not sublimate the esterification process,因此树脂中不会残留有间苯二甲酸单体和低分子量的间苯二甲酸酯杂质,纯度较高。So that the resin does not remain in the room has a low molecular weight acid monomers and impurities terephthalate, high purity.